Paxton Sophomore Grows and Harvests Crop on School Land


What looks to be just another cornfield behind a school bus barn alongside the highway in Keith County is actually something quite unique. The Future Farmers of America (FFA) students of Paxton Consolidated Schools have been working effortlessly on this specific patch of land for awhile now in preparation for the Paxton FFA Dryland Test Plot Harvest Day Celebration.

Landon Drews, a Sophomore at Paxton Consolidated Schools was presented with an idea his eighth grade year from his current FFA Advisor Corey Turner, on the idea of having a small farm on school-owned ground. Drews showed immediate interest and discussed the idea with his brother working in the field one night. Landon’s brother recommended the test plot but didn’t have much confidence Landon would go through with the idea.

That next fall while Landon was a Freshman it was time to put pen to paper and get the ball rolling.

“After we decided we are going to do this, I had to contact all of my seed dealers and make sure they were on board.” said Drews. “I had to go to the school board and present the idea to them and and make sure that was okay.”

After approval from the seed dealers and the school board, it was time to plan how things were going to get done.

Landon’s family and friends were in full support with getting the combine, the spraying, while his father and many others helped the Paxton Sophomore plant the crop back in May.

Landon also discussed the impact this project will have on his future.

“Doing this will help with my State degree and has showed me a lot of farming that I wouldn’t get to do until I am older . It’s pretty fun running a little farm.” Drews said.

Next Wednesday, October 30th at the Paxton FFA Dryland Test Plot Harvest Day Celebration, Landon plans to harvest the crop. The day is planned with many fun activities for all of the students at Paxton, elementary through the high school students with lunch included.