The UNMC College of Nursing is offering a new scholarship program, the Nebraska Neighbors: UNMC Nursing Rural Advantage Scholarship, to nursing students entering the UNMC baccalaureate of science traditional or accelerated program from select neighboring states who plan to attend the college’s Scottsbluff, Kearney or Norfolk campuses.
“These scholarships are designed to make it easier for students from neighboring states to study on one of our rural campuses,” said Juliann Sebastian, PhD, dean of the UNMC College of Nursing. “We want qualified applicants from these states to know we would love to showcase the incredible nursing education that is available from the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing. We are so fortunate to have three rural campuses that connect students with fabulous clinical facilities and help them feel a part of the wonderful rural communities in Nebraska.”
Students in these states can apply for the scholarship at specific UNMC campuses:
- Wyoming, Colorado and South Dakota: Scottsbluff campus
- South Dakota and Iowa: Norfolk campus
- Kansas and Colorado: Kearney campus
The college historically has seen interest from prospective nursing students in each of these states, and the three rural campuses have room for out-of-state students.
“We are attempting to build on this interest and make UNMC a more accessible option for qualified applicants,” Dr. Sebastian said. “In some of these states, there is an overflow of qualified individuals interested in nursing, and these scholarships make it easier to consider nursing education in Nebraska and potentially accepting nursing positions after graduation for those who stay in rural areas.
“These students will not be taking seats from eligible Nebraska applicants,” Dr. Sebastian said. “We have room on these campuses for individuals interested in the Nebraska Neighbors program.”
The scholarships will reduce the net cost of out-of-state tuition to at or near resident tuition rates, Dr. Sebastian said.
Current eligible students already have been awarded the scholarships, she added.
“We are so excited for this opportunity for our neighboring states and rural campuses,” said Ken Zeiger, director of student services at the college. “We are invested in this opportunity to help impact our students’ financial opportunities, which in turn will benefit our rural Nebraska communities and provide patients with the best in care.”
Applications for fall 2023 now are open with an initial deadline of Feb. 1. Prospective students can find a list of available prerequisites online. Students with questions can reach the UNMC College of Nursing student services team by calling 402-559-5102 or via email.