State Patrol Removes 35 Impaired Drivers During Holidays


Troopers with the Nebraska State Patrol removed 35 impaired drivers from the road and assisted more than 1,300 motorists during the holiday season as part of the national Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign.

“This holiday season there was plenty of severe winter weather around the state and our troopers kept busy helping motorists and working to keep the roadways safe,” said Colonel John Bolduc, Superintendent of the Nebraska State Patrol. “With the new year now underway, we encourage all Nebraskans to make safe driving a resolution for 2023 and beyond.”

In addition to the 35 arrests for driving under the influence, troopers issued citations for speeding (552), no seat belt (14), improper child restraint (6), driving under suspension (50), open alcohol container (15), and minor in possession (11). Troopers performed 1,349 motorist assists during the campaign, which ran from December 16 through January 1.

This effort was made possible thanks in part to a grant from the Nebraska Department of Transportation Highway Safety Office.