Straight Up Advocates to Recognize Recovery Month with event


North Platte, NE  September 13, 2023 – The Straight Up Advocates, individuals with lived experience in system involvement, recovery, and parenting support, invite community members to a “Recovery Walk” on Friday September 29, 6 pm at Cody Park. Walkers should gather in the Cody Park Swimming pool parking area.  The walk is two times around Cody Park.  Walkers will meet back at 7 pm for refreshments.

The purpose of the walk is to show support for individuals and families who have stayed strong through recovery.    The journey through recovery is very challenging and requires a lot of self-discipline and self-awareness on the part of the recovering person.  It also takes support from community to keep taking those steps forward.  The walk itself is to represent the need for positive direction and support in the recovery journey.

Straight Up Advocates is a lived experience group that has been meeting since October 2022.  The goal of the group is to be peer support for those who have experienced system involvement.  In their bi-monthly meetings, they discuss coping skills, boundaries, local resources, and achievements.

Everyone is welcome who wants to support this cause.  Meetings are the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 304 East 6th Street from 5-7 pm.

The Recovery walk is not easy, and that’s why it’s important to walk with others.

The Straight Up Advocates are supported by grant funds through Families 1st Partnership and the Nebraska Child Abuse Prevention Fund Board.