North Platte, Neb. – Aaron Edwards announced today that he has filed and will run to serve the citizens of
North Platte’s Ward 4 on the City Council. Edwards, a North Platte native, and current member of the Lincoln
County Planning and Zoning Commission, has lived on the north side of the UPRR tracks his entire life. He
and his wife have chosen to raise their family in the neighborhood as well. With the economic potential of
the community being unleashed, he believes that now is the time to strengthen and revitalize this part of the
city and make North Platte one community.
“I love North Platte,” Edwards said. “It’s a community of hard-working people trying to make their lives
better and provide for their families. Recently, the tides of economic development in our community have
shifted and we are on the cusp of realizing unprecedented potential growth. This growth will come with
many challenges. I want to make sure those challenges are proactively addressed, that Ward 4 is included in
these exciting opportunities, and that most importantly, the citizens of Ward 4 have a voice that truly
represents them on the city council. As a City Councilman, I’ll be a no-nonsense, pro-growth, fiscally
conservative representative advocating strongly for my neighbors all across North Platte’s north side.”
Edwards works for Dawson Public Power District and also has extensive survey work experience in North
Platte and throughout the region. His professional career, along with his time serving on the Lincoln County
Planning and Zoning Commission have provided him with a wealth of knowledge and experience regarding
strong infrastructure, appropriate planning and zoning code, and an understanding of how citizens trying to
navigate local government can often become bogged down with red tape.
“I’m looking forward to using my skills, knowledge, and ability to communicate with people of different
viewpoints to better North Platte, and particularly Ward 4,” Edwards said. “I don’t want to see two different
communities split by tracks anymore. Both have their challenges, but one—the north side—seemingly
neglected more often. We have great businesses, tight-knit neighborhoods, and amazing people who live
here and want to see Ward 4 revitalized. With appropriate representation, and a voice willing to participate
instead of saying no to everything, there is no reason that can’t happen.”
Aaron and his wife Kate of 14 years are raising their 3 children, Kylee (17), Ayden (13), and Alec (9) here and
he wants this community to have opportunities for their children, and everyone’s children, for generations to